Homeowners Insurance

Your home

is one of your

biggest investments.

A standard homeowners policy provides protection for your house, which typically encompasses more than the structure of your home to include contents. Do you know the types of “hurricane deductibles”/windstorm coverages available in Louisiana?

Three types of deductibles tied to wind policies in Louisiana:

Named Storm Deductible

The National Hurricane Center declares a storm to have reached tropical storm strength, with winds of 39 miles mph.

Hurricane Deductible

The NHC declares a storm to have reached hurricane strength, with winds of 74 mph.

Windstorm and Hail Deductible

This can be triggered when homes sustain damage from any type of wind or storm.

The term “hurricane deductible” is often used universally to refer to windstorm coverage and also called a “percentage deductible” ranging from 2% – 5%. Storm deductibles typically range from 2% to 5% percent of a home’s total insured value. For example, a home is insured for $200,000 and has a 5% deductible, the first $10,000 must be paid out of pocket by the policyholder. The National Weather Service triggers these deductibles through the issuance of a hurricane watch or warning.

Some homeowner’s policies exclude wind and hail from coverage and this is most common if you live near the coast. However, there are options available if you are unable to obtain this coverage through your homeowner’s policy. Contact A- Insurance Depot of Louisiana to explore your options.

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